Friday, 12 March 2010

Evaluation of whats already on the market

These are just some examples of the local newspapers already on the market-

The Journal from what I have read its quite a serious paper tending to report on the negative side of the news and save the more light hearted happy news for further on in the paper. I think as a result of this the majority of readers for the journal will be of the older generation. The other reason for me thinking this is because it often links the stories to times in history that the older generation are more likely to be able to remember and connect with. Although through stating the website address just below the title it is trying to reach out to other generations, that are generally use more technology and for more things.
with this paper being 50p it is quite a cheap paper i think this is another way in which it is trying to reach out to a wider demographic, so that money is not an issue when purchasing this paper.

The Herald and post for example is one of the papers that I found that do not use a logo within their title although it is written in red, this is eye grabbing. Although it insinuates that it is more of a gossip paper being a red topped paper.
So this insinuates that it is going to be a lot more light hearted 'gossip' with more happy, light hearted stories rather than hard hitting gritty crime reports.
The fact that is paper is free means that it relies on money from donations and advertisement revenue. This is the reason why I think there is two adverts on this particular front cover. Not only that but with it having many articles ranging in topic on the front cover I believe it is trying to reach a wide demographic, so that the numbers of readers will be high, there for people will want to have their business advertised in this paper.

Although there are other Local newspapers on the market such as-

These above are just some examples of local newspapers that are sold in the UK, and there internet pages, the reason why I have put the website pages on is because they are not only some times easier to access but the news will be more current by the fact that it can be changed, or new stories can be added almost immediately after the event. This is unlike the traditional physical copy of the newspaper where yo would have to wait until the next day before the news can be printed for the general public to read.