Friday, 30 April 2010

My evaluation

Development and challenging forms and conventions of real media products
As I had opted to create a newspaper which had a regional focus I had to analyse existing local newspapers such as the Chronicle which are printed and read within the North East of England. This not only offered me an insight in to the structure and set out of a front cover and a typical article within the Newspaper, but how to combine regional news with national to produce a piece which looks professional and authentic.
When deciding on the name of the newspaper I began by considering what makes a master head stand out, what would a customer be looking for if they were wishing to purchase a newspaper, and what would make my piece individual and different to those which are already on sale. I therefore proceeded to make an evaluation of what the North East stands for and what distinguishes it from other regions, to which I decided, landmarks such as the Millennium Bridge, the Sage and the Angel of the North embody the North East. Therefore, I had to capture this representation in my newspaper master head which would be compiled with a few short words; consequently I came up with the name the Northern Angel, which fulfilled my criteria by giving the paper a sense of individuality and identity. In order to make this title stand out more, I decided to take this representation of the North East further by using a black font type against a white backdrop, which are the colours that represent the Newcastle football team; this, combined with the large, bold font in Times New Roman and Lucida Handwriting emphasised the uniqueness, made the newspaper stand out, and meant that northerners are likely to identify with the paper.
By following the standard layout of a newspaper I was confident that the piece would look as professional as I had intended, I therefore opted to make the title of the newspaper the biggest writing on the page, and the main article title which was ‘Sutcliffe in Sunderland ‘ as second biggest. The reason for this being, this main story is the thing that encourages the audience to buy the paper most, as it highlights the exclusive story the newspaper has on Sutcliffes release and illustrates the quality of the article its self, thus creating an inviting and enticing feel. This was followed by an abstract of the article which offers a brief summary of the piece. These few sentences were particularly difficult to decide on, as they had to offer a snippet of the story, and present the context of the piece without revealing the entire storyline. I therefore chose to use hard hitting words such as ‘notorious’ to reinforce the seriousness and also included the name ‘Yorkshire Ripper’ as this is an iconic name people would be more likely to identify with the case and remember the incident which occurred; this would, in effect lead the customer to continue to read the piece.
An additional convention which I mimicked was to position an image on the cover to accompany the main story. This made the piece even more eye-catching. A photo of Sutcliffe was therefore obtained from the internet, and placed along side a photo I captured of a person that bore a resemblance to him; this was then altered via the black and white colour change and pencil shading tool to form an artists impression of what Sutcliffe would look like now. This manipulation meant that the two images tell a story of their own, people would acknowledge this comparison of what he looked like then and what he is likely to look like now. This would lead the reader to question; what does Sutcliff look like now?, would I be able to identify him? and whether they might have already seen him without knowing? Ultimately the reader would be unlikely to resist the need to read on to find out more about his release.
Other prototypes featured on the cover such as the price provide the reader essential ; the competition the reader to interact with the paper; a prize which would be supplied by a travel company such as Thompsons. This would be highly documented in the details of the competition; resulting in public awareness of the business, a small fee may in some cases may be charged which would go towards the funding of the newspaper; a basic necessity of all newspapers, and works efficiently enough to warrant no change. The competition was placed in the top right/ left of the page which ensures the readers attention would not be deviated away from the important main article. Snippets from sub stories are also placed around the edge of the page which again offer a brief description of the piece supported by an image relating to the story within; for instance the ‘Iconic eyesore to be demolished’ is placed on top of a photo of the Gateshead multi story car park, this combination of the two inform the customer of what to expect should they read the full story. A reference to the page number which the story features on is also included to provide guidance.
The lead story on Sutcliffe’s release begins with a large S which helps to break the abstract up from the main body, making the reader aware that the story is to follow. Within this first paragraph the essential facts of the murder case are underlines for example; ’he was convicted of 13 accounts of murder of females within the York area’ this background information means the reader is immediately informed as to why he was ain jail in the first place, and therefore ensures they understand the story that is to follow and don’t have to research the case prior to continuing to read. The conditions of his parole and the parole board are also mentioned, which notifies the reader that the piece is built on facts and not just hear say. Additionally, because these terms are specific to the judicial system, emphasis is placed on the professionalism of the article, as does the reference to the home secretary David Blunkett and the House of Commons; a degree of formality is also therefore felt. This story continues on page 29 on to a double page spread, to which an interview technique is used to explore public opinion on the matter, by quoting people who are relations to those who were murdered; ‘He took lives. Life should mean life and he should stay where he is’, these along side David Blunketts comments mean that the reader is given the full scope of the story. Also because direct quotes are used, the legitimacy of the story is highlighted, and the reader understands that the story isn’t just implemented with the writer’s beliefs and opinions. The lengths to which the paper has gone to, to present a quality story to the reader is also shown by this research and interview method.

When researching newspapers it became clear that the levels of circulation have declined significantly within the recent years, this is due primarily to the development of the internet and the easy accessibility to online news resources on websites such as Msn news and Google which offer up to date news by the hour. However I found that there were two exceptions to this trend, the first being the newspaper the Daily Star, for which selling figures have stayed at a constant level which may be attributed to the cost of the paper, as it is only twenty pence to purchase; and the second being regional newspapers such as the one I have developed which may be due to the personal touch the newspaper has to offer. Baring all of this in mind I chose to create a newspaper that rivals existing newspapers as it would include the hard hitting news bulletins not only on the actual newspaper but the connecting website, which would also allow people to air their views on the paper and its features; thus creating a feeling of ownership. This, combined with a cheap price would result in easily accessible up to date news.
The potential for this newspaper to be a success would therefore be high, however awareness of the products existence would be essential; I therefore created a written advertisement for the paper. This advert was designed with simplicity in mind, therefore the name of the newspaper is shown followed by an image of the paper its self which would make people identify the paper when they go to their newsagents, followed by a few sentences which emphasise the exclusivity of the piece; ‘catch up on all the latest news’. This simplicity ensures that the passer by would be able to absorb what the newspaper offers without having to stop and analyse the advert. The poster most importantly includes the Northern Angles slogan of; ‘the paper in the know’ which is used as a focal point within the advertisement, this would stick in the readers mind and would again help people identify the product next time they visit their newsagents. This advert would ideally feature on billboards to create maximum publicity and could be used within the initial stages of this product being issued along with a trial price to result in an established fan basis. Therefore, when the normal price is applied, a dedicated audience would be in place and the product would be fully established.
From this point, the radio advertisement I produced would serve as a constant reminder of the product. This recording features two people having a conversation about the papers exclusivity; ‘have you heard?!’ and ‘eee I never would have believed it!’. As the two have a Geordie accent the regional feel of the newspaper is supported, excitement and anticipation is also felt ‘no tell me! I want to know now!’ and because the recording is relatively short and features a jingle, the listener is likely to stay attentive and remember the advert. This would be aired on local and possibly national radio, which means a wide demographic of people would be reached and the likely-hood of the product being acknowledged as popular and recognisable would be high.
Although this may be the case, due to my newspaper being of the factual/ news genre, I would be likely to find that the majority of readers would be adults and not the stereotypical adolescent who shows no interest in current affairs. Never the less, in utilizing both the written and radio style of advertisement, people from different walks of life may be reached, the gender neutral advertising used within would encourage both sexes to explore the periodical, and most importantly, because l have also incorporated the internet which can be accessed via phones and computers and can be released three to four hours beforehand, the paper is likely to appeal younger generations, as they are widely known to be computer literate in comparison to their elders. The prospect of having diverse readers would therefore be within reach. Although putting it on the internet, having a radio advertisement and other advertisements would only be the start of my marketing campaign.

Audience Feedback
Initial feed back was not entirely positive as there were concerns regarding competition from several existing regional newspapers which are already fully established on the market, to which, I assured them of the advertising techniques used would maximise the possibility of success. Asides from popularity and fan base of these well known papers there were questions surrounding the topics each of the papers and the possible similarities. However in highlighting the minimal cost of the paper and the fact that my newspaper would be afforded by all, unlike many other papers which are priced higher, and have to be purchased by those with disposable income, they began to see the attraction. Additionally because the paper would also be based online it is in effect my unique selling point.
The audience also agreed that the shock tactics used within the main article on Peter Sutcliffe created the intended feeling of the reader initially being taken aback by the severity of the article then intereseted as to what the story may develop into. The piece then continues with Gultung and Ruge’s theory of news selection, as I have been selective on information displayed within the piece, therefore I as the creator of this newspaper have deemed what qualifies as news.
Threshold is another criteria of this theory; being the size and volume of the event, as it is more likely to be reported if it is on a large scale. For example a car crash involving ten cars is more likely to be reported and given more space over to rather than a car crash involving two cars. Obviously it need unambiguity, for the report to be clear to the readers and easily interpreted. Another factor when the news is reported is cultural proximity, as news events that occur near to the country in which the newspaper is published are more likely to be covered since we are more likely to be culturally similar. If the content of the news has implications for us as a country then its lacking geographical relevance is over-ridden. Predictability of the event happening is also a factor affecting the publication because an event that is almost expected to happen is easily received by the consumers as a result. Events that can be reported that were not expected or rarely happen are very good examples of prime news. Continuity, being able to print several stories about the development of the same case. Composition and balance, this meaning certain days minor stories could be come ‘bigger’ were as on other days some vital news could go unreported as more important stories have arose. Lastly is to do with the audiences demand to such an article because if the public does not want to read about it the paper wont sell.
Their theory is based on what many believe that the world is a broad casting studio, so although everything is reported it is only how it is reported we as an audience then listen. Using this theory the news that we actually decide to listen to is culturally determined and not a natural occurrence that we are interested in this news. Thus meaning that each society in different parts of the world will value different news as more important than others therefore more likely to be reported.
My main story does cover a wide range of the points that Gultung and Rouge’s theory say are news worthy articles, such points as it has a large threshold it has unamiguity, and I think the public will have a high demand to know what is happening with Peter Sutcliffe and I think once it is reported although the first time it is unpredictable it will then gain continuity and inheritance.
Overall the audience members which reviewed my paper generally reacted in the way I expected, there was an agreement that the Northern angel could be accomplished once I focused on creating a paper which was both cheap and accompanied the niche market. The audience particularly thought the newspaper radio advert was affective, With in the media industry I think feedback is particularly important as it has helped to construct my media production in the way the public will appreciate and therefore are more likely to buy.
With the use of a hard hitting headline I first grabbed my audiences attention then I attracted them further by the prospect of wining a holiday, this showing interaction between the paper and the public. Although I do not believe that my target audience or any audience that may read this paper will be able to identify with my main article, I think it is more the shock tactics and unpredictability of the story appearing that will encourage people to buy my newspaper.

During all of my work the blog was a constant form of new technology that I was using throughout, at first this was a surreal experience because not only is it a media production itself but the fact that when creating a blog it is not just colleagues and teachers who will be seeing this work, but an audience of millions can see it should they want to. The fact that my blog is self published this means that almost all of my viewers are capable of doing the same, this confusing the boundaries of what actually consists of an audience member. Although, new digital media ‘have fundamentally changed the ways in which we engage will all the media’ (David Gauntlett 2007)
The other technology I used was a stills camera that I took the main photo on the front of the paper, The reason for it being in black and white was because of the fact I not only wanted to give it more of a dark theme reflecting the bad things he had done. But also because of the extreme manipulation the photo underwent in photoshop it came out better in grey scale.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Final front cover

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Final double page

Final single page

Monday, 19 April 2010

Final poster

Friday, 16 April 2010

Radio adverts already on the market

On my music player at the bottom of the page there are some examples of radio adverts already on the market and here is one of my finalradio adverts

Radio Advert number two

Here is my second radio advert, and although i had initially recorded them on garage band i was unable to load them up on to you tube to transfer then across to this website, it would not allow me to unless it was accompanied with a video so i played my adverts on my computer whilst recording the screen and the sound so i was able to upload these advertisements i created.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

poster to advertise my paper

This is the poster to advertise my newspaper although it is a simple design, I intentionally did it this way so that the focus was not taken away fro the actual copy of the front cover.

I also used the same words that i am planning on using in my radio advert so that the public not only know what this paper looks like to get it off the shelves in the newsagents but they can also link it up to my other advertisement campaign of the radio.
I think this advert would just simply go onto a billboard out in the open for people to see because I don't think it should go inside of any other magazine or paper. As i think it should be an advertisement that they see the first three words and they are then intrigued to buy it and read more. As they will want to have heard

Friday, 9 April 2010

Front cover

These are the changes made to my front cover since i last posted the front cover, the one at the top being the one nearest to completion.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


These are the series of chnages my single page has went through, at the bottom being the near compleated single page

Monday, 5 April 2010

Changes to double page

These are the changes i have made to my double page

Changes to single page

These are the changes i have made to my single page

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Double page

This is the start of my double page

Beginning of my single page

This is the beginning of my single page that goes with in the newspaper.

Friday, 2 April 2010


On further analysis of newspapers already on the market i felt the need to change my side stories on the front cover also, i felt they needed to be more hard hitting and cater to some more of the factors of gultung and Rouges news values.
This show the change in articles from left to right.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

What my front cover looks like now

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Main article

Sutcliffe in Sunderland

It has been confirmed that the notorious Peter Sutcliffe Later dubbed The Yorkshire Ripper, has been released and is living in Sunderland.

Peter Sutcliffe who was convicted in 1981 of murdering 13 women and attacking several others. Was serving life imprisonment in Broadmoor Hospital. However he has been granted freedom by the Parole Board, Home Secretary David Blunkett has confirmed.
The decision to have him released after serving only 29 of the original minimum 30 years in the high security hospital Broadmoor was confirmed by Home Secretary David Blunkett in a written House of Commons reply this morning.
The Parole Board decided he should be released on life licences.
The board held hearings earlier this week for Peter sucliffe , who was 35 when he committed his first murder of Wilma McCann, carrying until 1981 after killing 13 women and dumping their bodies in various locations throughout west Yorkshire.
Aged 63 and deemed no longer a threat to the public, he has been set free and given secret new identities.
The decision provoked anger among campaigners opposed to his release and came as a fresh blow to the victims families who reacted with horror to the news that he could soon be back on the streets.
Frank Jordan, 52, whose mother Jean was the sixth woman to be murdered by the Ripper, in 1977, said: 'I didn't know this was at all possible. It shouldn't be allowed, for Sutcliffe to fight for his freedom. It's appalling. He took lives. Life means life and he should stay where he is.'
His spokesman Dean Smith, director of the Victims of Crime, confirmed he had been informed of Sutcliffe’s release and said he was "distraught".
Mr Blunkett told the public that Sutcliffe would be "under strict regulations and could be immediately recall if there are any concerns about the safety of the public".
He said: "The Parole Board informed me yesterday of their decision, to release Peter Sutcliffe who was convicted in January 1981 of the murder of thirteen vulnerable women and attacking several more."
The killer assaulted and abducted the women from the west Yorkshire area, before sexually assaulting and torturing many of his victims to death and mutilating their bodies.
Mr Smith said: "he (Frank) has had it confirmed by Home Office officials that Sutcliffe has been released and is living in Sunderland. However he is still waiting for the full details. "Frank and many other of the victims’ family members are absolutely devastated and stunned that this could even be a possibility. There has to be a big enough punishment for such a horrific and unimaginable killing spree that Sutcliffe committed, but all we can see is Sutcliffe being rewarded.
Mr Blunkett said he would not comment on the release arrangements for the killer, in an attempt to protect his identities and although he did release his whereabouts.
"The murder of those young women was a terrible event for their families and the whole nation," he said in his statement.
"But the safety of the public would not be served by releasing the identity of the perpetrators now that it has been decided that he is no longer a threat to society, although his location has been released with the vast cosmetic surgery he has under gone he will no longer be recognisable.
"The vast changes that he is under going were granted because there was a real and strong possibility that their his life would be at risk if his identity became known."
Mr Blunkett said the regulations of his release were that he could not contact, or attempt to contact any member of the victims families.
Also he is not be allowed to enter the Yorkshire area without imitate need to do so and written consent of his probation officer.
"Sutcliffe is being released back to his family, enjoying a life of luxury that a few years ago would have seemed impossible that he could have achieved.
However many argue "If he had been given love and support as a child, would these murders have been committed? And yet he is being released back into their company"
Mr Blunkett said: "I offer my deepest sympathy to the all the families and victims. The circumstances of the killings were appalling and had a deep impact on each and every member of the UK, and even being reported in Australia.
"We as individuals and as a nation will never forget these horrific crimes and I am aware of how distressing hearing this news can be for the people of Sunderland, but he is no longer a threat.
The Home Secretary came to the decisions about the release of the convicted murder when he was aged 33, almost serving the full minimum sentence. However the locals of Sunderland are up in arms and don’t want this murderer on their doorstep.
An offender can then be released when and how the Parole Board decides as long as there is not "unacceptable risk to the public". However, there is always a risk they could offend.
Mr Blunkett said the parole board consisted of a lawyers, police officers (who dealt with the investigation in 1981) psychiatrist and unknown members of the public.
"I know that the case would have been given very careful attention, securitisation into the details and the reasoning behind the release of Sutcliffe," said Mr Blunkett.
"It is not appropriate for me to comment on the identity as too much has already been told to the general public and there is a fear for the safety of Mr. Sutcliffe if too much information is given out. There is also a High Court ruling that has been put forward to prevent the secret identity being released.
Although the parole board has not released a statement, the home secretary said that they did not which to add anything to their report.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Results of the Third question

For the third question of peoples reaction to the release of Sutcliffe into the public i did not believe could be writen in a pie chart. So below are some of peoples actual responses to the question.

'Surely this could not be happening, after all he has done and think of them poor famielies he destroyed'

'Its a disgrace that the officials could even think of letting such a man out of jail, even for his own safety you would think they would keep him in jail, because believ me i could think of a few people who would be happy to teach him a lesson. Not that i dont think he deserves it mind you'

'Eee god i would lock me windows and doors if i thought he was out on the streets, i dont think i would leave my house, a man like that who could do such horrific things to women cant change'

'I think if i walked past him in the street, and i knew it was him i think i would swing for him i really would. After all he's done'

As you can probably gauge from these few responses that the overall public feedback it very negitive towards the release of Peter Sutcliffe any where with in the public domain.

Results of the second question

When the second question was asked although the three in the first question had been taken out when tallying up peoples responses as i did not believe it to be fair response as they had to be prompted therefore other peoples views may have come across in their answer.

So from the 17 left all knew what they believed him to be infamouse for and generally these things were the same as the next person thought. There were no uncorrect answers from the information i had collected from the websites i looked at.

Results of the first question

When asked the first question out of the 20 people i asked 3 said they did not know who Peter Sutcliffe was to this i was very suprised, because i thought because of the notorious reputation that Peter Sutcliffe had achieved even the younger generations that were before his time would have head of him. These results prove me wrong Although the people who said they did not know who he was it was only a small number and once it was explained to them who he was their reaction to him being released into the public was the same as the people who knew who he was from the start.

Sutcliffe Questionnaire

Do you know who Peter Sutcliffe is?
Yes / No

What was it he was infamous for?

What is your initial reaction if he was to be released into the public?

Although it is a basic questionnaire this was intentional so the people filling in the questionnaire would not get bored whilst doing it . Plus I only wanted their initial reaction so i could capture it on the front page of the newspaper. Obviously I knew the majority if not all of the responses to Sutcliffe being released in to the public were going to be negative, however, I wanted their actual reaction of how they would respond to this news.

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Before beginning to write my story I thought the best thing to do was to find out as much information about the crimes of Peter Sutcliffe and general information before the controversy began around him.

These websites stated above were all very helpful when trying to find out information. I found things such as his home and family life. What jobs he had such as a grave digger, and how he was to become one of the most notorious serial killers of all time, and raping many other women.
At this point i also thought it would be a good idea to give out a survey to see the public's reaction, to such a thought of a man such Sutcliffe being released to the public. The reason for me doing this was to capture the public's feelings on this matter so i could represent them correctly in my article.


As a result of other newspapers reporting on the story of the multi story car park in Gateshead, such as when it is going to be demolished, how and when Tesco is to be rebuilt in its place.
(examples shown below)

I thought for the shock factor and to follow the theory of Gultang and Rouge it was best to cover a story that had not yet been reported. So i decided to cover the story of Peter Sutcliffe being released in to the public in our local area would not only have the shock factor, but also because of the fact it has not been reported in any other newspapers it would be a unique story.

Change of name

The Northern Angel

Stories that may appear on my front cover

Headline - The Guide

Logo - No Logo
Date - Tuesday 2 february 2010
Website Address -
Price - 60p
'Plug box' - Win a family holiday
A football story
Heworth Grange redevelopment
Head line - Blizzards cause bad traffic
Photograph - OF the high raised car park in Gateshead
Caption - A breif out line of how the carpark will be demolished with in months and the number of jobs it will create when tesco is built upon the site
Second Caption - www.theguide/
Sub heading - A brief explination about the heavy snow that fell last nigh causing tail backs and traffic jams for a long period of time
Firts paragraph - Slightly larger than the rest of the text however smaller than the sub heading
Lead story - The first letter bigger than the rest, but the full articl being in smaller text than the first paragraph
Second lead story - I will have three down the right hand side of the front cover these being
Cash crisis - compnies having to sut down as a result of the economic climate, A retail story- the redevelopment of eldon square and forgeries found- Forged 20pound notes been found.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Improved Front cover

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Edited front cover

Monday, 22 March 2010

Beginning of front cover

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Example of what the front cover should look like

What's on a front cover?

Master head- The newspaper's name which may not have been changed for many a year, often in traditional script. As it is the easiest way to identify the paper
Logo- An easily identified simple picture that is immediately connected to the paper (sense of the papers identity )

Date- So the reader knows how current the news is that they are reading
Website address- So a follower of the paper can look up the website address, for the most current news
Price- For the penitential buyer so they know the price often a round number so no change has be be exchanged

' P l u g b o x '- A section that covers almost a quarter of the length of the front page , normally covering two to three stories in a short sentence and a picture with the page number of where to find the story in full in the bottom hand corner

Headline- The largest type on the whole of the page as it is the most important piece of information from the most important article in the paper.

Photograph/s- Often accompanying the main article for impact and to grab the audiences attention, can either be in colour or black and white, if the picture is not referring to the main article it will often have a few sentences accompanying it and a page number of where to find the rest of the article

Caption- That always accompanies the photograph generally underneath, stating what is happening in the picture and where the picture was taken some times stating when

Second Caption- Not always put on the surrounding area of the photo, but it is most often on the side in a horizontal position, stating the photographers name, contact number and a website address connected to the paper about their photography

Sub Heading- In a smaller type could be italics, or a different font to the main title, just a few brief sentences giving a little bit more information of the main story

The first paragraph- giving the bare facts of the story of who it is concerning, what are the circumstances, when it occurred, where the incident happened and how the incident happened.
Lead story- The story that had been deemed the most interesting, will take up the majority of the front page with information and a page number at the end so it the reader can follow on the article on the inside of the paper

Secondary lead- A story that holds less importance than the main article but is still significant enough to have the out lines of the story on the front cover and a page number to follow it on the inside

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Conventions of a front cover

There are several conventions of the front cover of a newspaper the most important of them being to attract a penitential reader. Also through easily recognisable style, layout and design the front cover should should be easily distinguishable as being that paper, so it should enforce the papers identity. As a result of the main title on the front cover being the second biggest writing (behind that of the name of the paper) the view of the newspaper on that main topic should be immediately known, and through further reading of the front cover the audience will clearly know the newspapers views of the days news. Each edition of the newspaper will obviously contain stories but the front cover should show the most shocking, news grabbing and controversial of all the stories.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Possible names

The Guide Bobbies News

Royal News The Northern Report

Geordie News

Questionnaire results

After I had come up with many ideas of what was local, iconic and symbolises the North East, I asked other people what they thought of a as local the list below was what came up the most-

The angel of the north,
Picture of the Tyne,
Fish and Chips,
Pit men,
Peas Pudding,
Metro centre,
Metro system,
Greys Monument,
Newcastle United football stadium,
Theatre Royal.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Newspapers Names

I am now trying to figure out an appropriate name for my newspaper so I am analysis the names of local newspapers already on the market. Below is my thought process of trying to pick a name-

  • Needs locality
Iconic land marks, Local traditions/ celebrations/ achievements, The local accent, A iconic person- what they are know for, the reason they are know, what they had do, local food.

  • Iconic land marks
Tyne bridge, Newcastle United football club, The Metro centre,The Angel of the North, Saltwell park, Roker pier, Newcastle University, St. Nicholas' Cathedral, The Tyne, The Metro system, Greys monument, Theatre Royal
  • People & Places
Bobby Robson - Football, cancer charity (diciest), well know, loved,
David Beckham - Footballer, well known, but more worldly than local,
Ant & Dec, Alan Sheara, Cheryl Cole, Pit men
Discovery museum, the Great North Museum, Gallagher and Turner, The Laing Art Gallery, Newburn Hall motor museum.

  • Local traditions/ celebrations/ achievements
The Great North Run, China town, Chinese new year, Newcastle Gateshead comedy festival, Newcastle sciencefest, Beer festival, Evolution festival, The (Hoppings) Newcastle Town Moor, Race week, Environmental festival, Ouseburn festival, Newcastle Brown Ale

  • Local food
Fish and Chips, Greg's, Peas Pudding, Pie and chips, Sunday dinner, Gravey

Friday, 12 March 2010

Evaluation of whats already on the market

These are just some examples of the local newspapers already on the market-

The Journal from what I have read its quite a serious paper tending to report on the negative side of the news and save the more light hearted happy news for further on in the paper. I think as a result of this the majority of readers for the journal will be of the older generation. The other reason for me thinking this is because it often links the stories to times in history that the older generation are more likely to be able to remember and connect with. Although through stating the website address just below the title it is trying to reach out to other generations, that are generally use more technology and for more things.
with this paper being 50p it is quite a cheap paper i think this is another way in which it is trying to reach out to a wider demographic, so that money is not an issue when purchasing this paper.

The Herald and post for example is one of the papers that I found that do not use a logo within their title although it is written in red, this is eye grabbing. Although it insinuates that it is more of a gossip paper being a red topped paper.
So this insinuates that it is going to be a lot more light hearted 'gossip' with more happy, light hearted stories rather than hard hitting gritty crime reports.
The fact that is paper is free means that it relies on money from donations and advertisement revenue. This is the reason why I think there is two adverts on this particular front cover. Not only that but with it having many articles ranging in topic on the front cover I believe it is trying to reach a wide demographic, so that the numbers of readers will be high, there for people will want to have their business advertised in this paper.

Although there are other Local newspapers on the market such as-

These above are just some examples of local newspapers that are sold in the UK, and there internet pages, the reason why I have put the website pages on is because they are not only some times easier to access but the news will be more current by the fact that it can be changed, or new stories can be added almost immediately after the event. This is unlike the traditional physical copy of the newspaper where yo would have to wait until the next day before the news can be printed for the general public to read.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Newspaper logos

These are some of the newspapers that are already on the market that use a logo to help the audience identify the paper. It is something I am contemplating doing for my newspaper because I think that it stands out allot more so than the actual title of the paper so that if the audience is scanning over the newspaper stands looking for the particular newspaper the logos seem to stand out more so than the names of all the newspapers. This is the reason why i am thinking about creating a logo for my newspaper.

Monday, 8 March 2010

My chosen brief

I chose the project of the local newspaper, and to acompany this a poster advertising the newspaper and a radio advertisement for the newspaper.

8. The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with two of the following three options:
  • a poster for the newspaper;
  • a radio advertisement for the newspaper;
  • two hyperlinked pages from the paper’s website.

The reason for me chosing this as my option was because i felt that this was the most interesting option one that held me attention

The Selection of Briefs we were given

1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

  • a website homepage for the band;
  • a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);
  • a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • a website homepage for the film;
  • a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
  • a poster for the film.

3. An advertising package for a new product or service, to include two TV advertisements, together with two of the following three options:

  • a radio advertisement;
  • a TV programme sponsorship sequence;
  • a web pop-up.

4. A promotion package for a new computer/video game, to include two TV advertisements, together with two of the following three options:

  • the cover of the game’s package;
  • two hyperlinked pages from the game’s website;
  • a magazine advertisement for the game.

5. A promotion package for a new soap opera, to include a TV trailer, together with two of the following three options:

  • a listings magazine front cover featuring the new soap;
  • two hyperlinked webpages (with video extract) for the soap’s website;
  • a poster for the soap.

6. A selection of materials related to an original children’s TV drama, to include the title sequence to the TV programme, together with two of the following three options:

  • the front cover to a magazine for the series;
  • a DVD cover for the series;
  • a radio advertisement for the magazine.

7. An extract from a new documentary TV programme, lasting approximately five minutes, together with two of the following three options:

  • radio trailer for the documentary;
  • a double-page spread from a listings magazine focused on the documentary;
  • a newspaper advertisement for the documentary.

8. The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with two of the following three options:

  • a poster for the newspaper;
  • a radio advertisement for the newspaper;
  • two hyperlinked pages from the paper’s website.

This is the option i have chosen

9. A website for a new TV channel (to include a minimum of three hyperlinked pages with original images, audio and video extract), together with two of the following three options:

  • a newspaper advertisement for the channel;
  • a double page spread for a listings magazine, focused on the channel’s launch;
  • an animated ident sequence for the channel.

10. A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options:

  • a poster for the film;
  • a radio trailer for the film;
  • a film magazine review page featuring the film.

1. The first level of a new computer/video game, together with two of the following three options:

  • the cover for the game’s package;
  • a magazine advertisement for the game;
  • a radio advertisement for the game.

2. An extract/package from a local TV news programme, lasting approximately five minutes, together with two of the following three options:

  • two hyperlinked pages from the programme’s website;
  • a generic radio trailer for the programme;
  • a short title sequence for the programme.

13. An extract from a radio play, lasting approximately five minutes, together with two of the following three options:

  • a newspaper advertisement for the play;
  • double: page listings magazine feature about the play;
  • a page from the radio station’s website promoting the play.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Last years work
